
Showing posts from January, 2020

......Career Woman to home maker prt 4

Hmmm..... Though the journey has been replete with beautiful happenings it is not without its challenges. For the first six months I sometimes wished I had an office to escape to! I had the adventure – as someone called it of not having a live in help for the first two years. It was part of the decision made by my husband and I, to help build our relationship with the children and their self confidence. During this period, I came to appreciate that five letter word SLEEP! After establishing a bedtime for the kids; I created my ‘me time’; just me and a cup of hot tea on the couch. How did I cope with the financial transition from earning a salary to earning smiles? It all comes with been aware of your attitude to finances and how you have decided to run your home with your husband. I made sacrifices – minimized the gold drift, the power suits buying….. did the school runs, nearly became the handy –woman.   Like dh says; while I didn’t bring home a salary; I plugged a lot of outlet